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View Dermal Filler Aftercare View Anti Wrinkle & Profhilo Aftercare

What to Expect

  • You may experience some redness, bruising, swelling, stinging or mild tenderness around the treatment site. These are all normal and should settle in a few days
  • The treatment area may feel firm for a few days. This may depend on the area of treatment and the product used but over time, it will soften and feel more natural.
  • We recommend the following after-care instructions:

  • Do not touch or massage the treatment areas. There is no need to massage the product, unless instructed to do
  • Avoid strenuous exercise for the first 24 hours.
  • Avoid wearing make-up for the first 6 hours after your treatment. This is to reduce the chance of infections.
  • Avoid drinking alcohol for at least the first 24 hours as it can contribute to bruising and swelling. It also reduces the efficacy of treatments as staying well hydrated ensures good absorption of water to the area treated
  • Avoid prolonged sun exposure, UV rays and temperatures below 0°C for the first 2 weeks after your treatment. Always wear a high factor sun block on your face.
  • We recommend that you wait until at least 2 weeks before having any other skincare treatments including dermal fillers

  • Duration of treatment

    Dermal fillers results vary from person to person. We cannot guarentee how long a product lasts but here is a guide to the average longevity of certain treatment areas
    Lips : 6 months (3-4 if first time)
    Smile lines: 6 month
    Cheeks: 9 months
    Tear trough: 9months
    Nose: 9 months
    Jawline :12 months

    Red Flags:

    Please contact us urgently if any of the following occur
  • discolouration of the skin with or without pain
  • Firm lumps that are warm and painful
  • Severe pain
  • If you have any concerns please contact us on 0800 061 4186 or contact your clinician directly.